
These perennials (commonly known as Lily Turfs) are natives of Japan and are mainly grown for their handsome, Grass-like foliage. O. japonicus is a spreading plant that grows about a foot high. The evergreen, slender leaves are shiny dark green. The small, tubular, lilac flowers are produced in spike-like heads in the summer. Small, blue fruits, resembling berries follow the blooms. This is a good ground cover and it may also be grown in the edge of a pond, though it will not flower. O. planiscapus variety Nigrescens forms clumps of colorful foliage, up to 9 inches high with a spread of 12 inches or more. Its evergreen, linear leaves are purple black and in the summer, erect clusters of small, tubular, white or lilac flowers are produced. Small, berry-like, dull blue fruits follow the blooms.

Pot Cultivation

Grow Lily Turfs in fertile, moist, humus-rich soil that has good drainage. It may be grown in sun or light shade. These plants may also be grown in containers filled with two parts loam, one part leaf mold or peat moss, and a bit of sand and decayed manure. Repotting should be done in April. Knock them out of their pots and remove the soil from the roots. Sprits the foliage twice a day and water carefully until they are established. Water only when the soil is fairly dry throughout the winter.


These plants are increased by division at potting time.

O. japonicus


  • O. planiscapus & var. Nigrescens;
  • O. japonicus;

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